How to Quickly grow your followers by getting lots of social media users to share your content
It is not easy to grow your followers and get discovered as an influencer but now you can grow your followers and viewing figures easily through the help of other social media users. And remember the more followers you have the more money you can make in advertising revenues.
Imagine getting hundreds of social media users – relevant to your content – sharing a link to your latest YouTube video on their Facebook page – like the below example:

When a social media user shares your latest vlog link their friends will engage and be influenced to watch.
They will think ‘If my friend shared this vlog it must be interesting’ and so they will want to watch too.
It results in a massive increase in views – either on YouTube of Facebook – and also more followers to your channel.
The same is true if you want to share your latest blog – getting social media users to endorse and share this content post will lead to trust and interest among their peers.
Running a sponsored post or web banner to promote your content does not carry the same authenticity and trust that is so important for an influencer. People will not want to read or view your video or blog as much as if they see it had been shared by their friend.
Social Media Users can share your content within minutes (Here is how)
YouAreMIA.com is a website with thousands of social media users registered and waiting to share your content on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and even VK.
All you need to do is decide who you want to share your content which you can set by age ranges, genders, regions – such as Bangkok – and interests. For example you could be a beauty vlogger so only want those with an interest in beauty to share your content.
You then add the link to your latest vlog and add headline.
Then YouAreMIA.com will invite your targeted social media user to share you post – and within minutes you will see users start to share your content.

Testimonial: Blog post generates 265 web views for under USD$7 (231 THB)
Here is the results of a blog that was promoted on YouAreMIA.com by a blogger in Thailand. Their blog post was shared by 5 social media users at a cost of just 231 THB (USD$7) – less than the price of a pizza – and resulted in 265 new users reading their blog on www.danaboutthailand.com influencer website.

Based on these figures, imagine spending just USD$100 (3251 THB) to get people to visit your YouTube channel to view your latest video.
That would equate to 3,612 new people looking at your channel. If just 1 in 3 then subscribed/followed your channel you would attract 1,191 new followers!
You could attract over 1,191 new followers and grow your views for less than a USD$100 (3.2k THB)
It does not need to be hard work or slow trying to grow your followers – use YouAreMIA.com and start growing immediately and quickly.
A successful influencer needs followers, this then attracts businesses who will want you to promote their services or business. Invest in your follower growth so you can earn more money as an influencer.