Social Media Marketing

How to make your business relevant and trustworthy among consumers

Remember it isn’t just a numbers game when you publish your latest social media post or sponsored post hoping to attract new customers. You must target and get engagement, and most business forget all about whether or not they are getting engagement (and wrongly assume they get it by default).

Word-of-mouth messages from friends and colleagues are widely seen as more relevant and trustworthy than social media blasts from corporate accounts. As a result, content shared by regular social media users gets eight times more engagement than content shared by brand channels, and is re shared 25 times more frequently.

People buy from people they trust

Even more impressive, leads developed through regular users sharing business posts convert seven times more frequently than other leads. When every day social media users share messages on behalf of businesses, these companies not only expand their social media reach, they also get measurably better results.

Win the trust of your business from online friend to friend endorsements

Build your business trust and engagement through the endorsement of relevant social media users

It stands to reason, that when a business shares a post on its corporate account or puts out a sponsored post, it will lack the trust garnered when a social media user shares it on their behalf for their friends and family to read on their social feeds.

Dan Cheeseman, who has worked for Coca-Cola and within Traditional and Digital Adverting channels for well over 25 years, spotted the opportunity whilst analyzing the growth and success of influencer marketing for business.

“It came as no surprise why influencer marketing worked for businesses, because it allowed business to be promoted through endorsement among influencers loyal followers. It is basically a form of ‘celebrity’ endorsement on a micro, online platform that did not use to exist.’ Dan explains.

But it gets better than this for businesses if they just took one more step, and that is by using the influence among friends rather than followers where trust between parties is much higher than the influencer:follower set up.

Friends want to read what their friends post and now that can include your messages.

“And for this you you need relevant social media users to share your messages for their friends and followers to read. These relationships offer the the strongest possible trust and engagement which ensures your online posts are read and acted upon.”

This approach works for all types of businesses from start up, family to corporate. Furthermore, Dan has created a platform that makes setting this all up easy and simple to do. allows business to connect with relevant social media users by region, age, gender and interests and set campaigns up for them to share across their social media.

It is painless and a highly effective way of getting your messages read (‘engagement’) and acted upon. It is basically very good for attracting more customers and building a business that people trust.

Dan Cheeseman

Dan has worked within FMCG, Media and Advertising in the UK and Thailand for over 20 years and is the founder of

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