
How YouAreMIA will give a business that competitive edge – 5 Customer Testimonials

If you are a business in Thailand and want to send quality customers to your website who will spend 80%…

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Lower cost per click rates with 80% more page views than other online advertising options

Siam Royal View property developers in Thailand achieved a lower cost per click rate (CPC) of 4.65 THB (13 cents)…

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Property Advert with YouAreMIA delivers 82% more page views and 79% longer stay on customer website than average

YouAreMIA helps businesses in Thailand deliver more effective online advertising campaigns. MIA will share your content among relevant social users…

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Content Creator achieves cost per click rate of less than 1 THB with YouAreMIA campaign

The strength of having your campaign post shared by relevant social media users is that their friends trust and are…

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33 Social Media Users Share Campaign Post for only USD$51 (1,631 THB)

This campaign cost example is typical across all campaigns business run on YouAreMIA.com. On a budget of USD$51 it resulted…

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Testimonials: YouAreMIA.com averages lower priced cost per clicks than other online platforms in Thailand

For most businesses and brands whom advertise online, the first metric they use as a barometer of their campaigns success…

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580 Baht (USD$18) spend, 3.97 baht cost per click and 3 bookings

If you are not yet convinced on the power of friend to friend online endorsement then take this recent testimonial…

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